Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Weekly Gold Summary - The Home Stretch

Well it's that time again. The week went very well. I picked up Bryntroll for my Warrior in the GDKP but nothing really expensive dropped. Sales are still very high as the patch is still in its new stage. Competition has increased in various markets though as it seems people are trying to cash in on the demand spike of the patch. Enchanting scrolls have dropped in price, along with material costs. Abyss Crystals are down below 30g, Dream Shard at 9-10g and Greater Cosmic Essence at 13-14g. Infinite Dust hasn't moved too much, it's holding at about 1.7g per unit. The Jewelcrafting market is as active as ever, I notice new people every day in trade chat spamming a bulk macro for buying epic gems.

Glyphs are still holding strong, the super camper is still gone so that leaves me as the dominant presence in the market. I have been price-fixing popular glyphs here and there to keep maximize their profits. The guy that logs in every day and does a mass post at market price is still there. It’s quite annoying because I end up buying up most of his 12-13g posts for popular glyphs. I end up handing him about 400-500g a day but it more then pays out when I sell well over 30 of those same glyphs at 55+g before he does his daily login again.

Overall Weekly Profit: 52,001g
Total Gold: 174,255g

I was hoping to top 200k but things slowed down the last few days and I had some real life stuff to attend to. I also have 2 BOE’s I picked up from the GDKP runs, one from ICC 25 and one from TOC 25. They are both sitting on the auction house and should sell anytime, when they do that will boost me over the 195k mark. If the two BOE's had sold before this post then I would of broken my previous record, my weekly profit would of been 73k! I’m hoping to hit the cap before next week; it depends on how active the servers are during the holidays.

Deal of the Week:

Ikfirus's Sack of Wonder
bought for 7,500g (GDKP), sold for 17,000g

1 comment:

  1. Hey mate :)

    Been reading through your blog and tried to see if you posted which glyphs are the most popular....couldnt find em. You say its easy to obtain, any tips on where to find the most popular ones to sell?

    I dont try to be lazy, just need a tip on where to find em :)


